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MHM is Here to Help Entrepreneurs in Need

“Even as we choose to elevate Afro Americans, minorities and women with grants, as Americans, we should all come together to help each other out, and yes that includes Immigrants… as we are we are all American .” (Luvina Beckley, CEO of MHM and Associates Enterprise).

Last June, the California legislature passed assembly bill 82 (this was a SEED Initiative). This bill is in favor of helping immigrants of all backgrounds no matter their immigration status. With this bill there, will be a decrease in unemployment of immigrants and there will be an increase in “economic diversity”. Not only that, but the State of California’s Employment Training Panel (ETP)will be administering $9,650,000 under their SEED Initiative.

So we need to do the same! We are committing to seek grants and support Afro American and immigrant entrepreneurs in making sure that our fellow entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to move their businesses forward and live a life of comfort, as I am sure we would all like to do. So, as MHM makes it a mission to support social inclusion and help grow small businesses throughout California with grants, we would like to acknowledge our shift of inclusion of immigrants! With support for entrepreneurship and small businesses growth , it will be easier for Americans to live the life that they sought after and they will be able to live comfortably and happily, as we all should. That being said, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL VENDORS AND SMALL BUSINESSES!!