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The Importance of Teamwork in Pursuing Grants

How many of you look forward to the opportunity to support others with your strengths? According to the journal American Psychologist, It has been proven by science that working in teams is important when it comes to a company's success. Working in a team will always be more beneficial than working alone, so never see it as something that is dreadful. I know some people do not feel comfortable working with others, or they just prefer not to, but it is essential. Someone that you work with may have an idea that you did not think of or maybe they are more talented in a specific area. As John J. Murphy put it, “Each individual has unique gifts and talents.” When you work as a team of individuals, with each having their unique talents, you will grow as an individual as well. In addition, you will learn new things about yourself, and you will become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. When you have weakness, don’t fret, because your team ( a good team that is) will support you by covering for our weaknesses. You will not be the only one with weaknesses. In addition, you will get the opportunity to support others as well with your strengths.